2022 - 2023
St. Laurence Faculty Retreat
St. James Regional Catholic School Faculty Retreat
September Movie with Meaning: "The Shack"
St. George Episcopal Church - Lay Volunteer Group
"Connecting with Passionate Women:
The Doctors of the Church" - Sister Rose Marie Adams, IHM Labyrinth Walk - Anne Montgomery Schmid
Prayer Experience - Set Up and Program "Pondering Paradox: Wisdom Women in the Gospel of Luke"
Session I - Sister Clare D'Auria, OSF "Pondering Paradox: Wisdom Women in the Gospel of Luke"
Session II - Sister Clare D'Auria, OSF "Pondering Paradox: Wisdom Women in the Gospel of Luke"
Session IV - Sister Clare D'Auria, OSF 25th Anniversary Liturgy
Carol Night 2022: Journey to Bethlehem
Christmas 2022 at the Wootton Mansion/IHM Conference and Retreat Center
Advent Reflection: "Let There Be Light in the Darkness" -
Sr. Rose Adams, IHM Devon Prep Faculty Retreat
JB Ward and Arborists - Annual Meeting Day
Immaculata University Planning Team
St. Thomas of Villanova Men's Group
January Movie with Meaning: "Shadowlands"
Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church Staff
Women of Wallingford
Villanova Pre-Cana Day
"Women Doctors of the Church" - St. Catherine of Siena Sister Rose Marie Adams, IHM
Conference Day: "Get Used to Different: Another Look at the Parables - Part II Sr. Marie Gipprich, IHM
Taize - Prayer Around the Cross Tuesday Evenings in Lent
St. Denis Parish Pre-Cana Group - March 2023
"Come Apart and Rest Awhile: The Lenten Landscape of Prayer" - Session II - Sister Clare D'Auria, OSF
Holy Rosary Regional Catholic School - Faculty Retreat
St. Mary Magdalen Parish Seniors - Day of Reflection with
Rev. Reuben Nuxoll, LC Lenten Series, Part 4: "Come Apart and Rest Awhile": The Lenten Landscape of Prayer Sr. Clare D'Auria, OSF
Sodality Retreat Day - St. Madeline Parish, Ridley Park
BVM Catholic School, Darby - Faculty Retreat Day
Villanova PreCana Group - April 2023
St. Laurence Staff with Linda Baneker for Next Generation Parishes
Conference Day: "Arise and Call Her Blessed" - Sister J. Sheila Galligan, IHM
A Volunteer Thank You Party! Fun, Food, Games Galore!
Conference Day: "Dancing with Life: Living from Our Abundance" - Sister Mercedes Rojos, OSF
October Movie with Meaning: "Miracles from Heaven"
Villanova PreCana Group - October 9, 2022
"Pondering Paradox: Wisdom Women in the Gospel of Luke"
Session III - Sister Clare D'Auria, OSF 25th Anniversary Decor at the Mansion!
Let's Celebrate!
Video Links for our 25th Anniversary Celebration: October 30, 2022 Click here for the Video Links of our Anniversary Celebration: Welcome: https://youtu.be/VkRxjhxe3Ic We Give You Thanks: https://youtu.be/cxrSaMajC-M (sung by Sr. Marianne Lallone) Our Beginning Days at Wootton: https://youtu.be/1NBZSUWEhJc Our Thanks: https://youtu.be/wmU36_6PgCQ Our Volunteers Help Decorate for Christmas Conference Day: Aging with Wisdom and Grace - Sr. Jeanine O'Kane, IHM
Recently Ordained Retreat Afternoon
SS Peter and Paul Staff Retreat Day
"Connecting with Passionate Women:
The Doctors of the Church" - St. Teresa of Avila Sister Rose Marie Adams, IHM Conference Day: "In the Beginning was the Word: Searching for Words for God" - Michelle Francl-Donay
Sacred Heart, Manoa Faculty Retreat
St. Raymond, Phila. Faculty/Staff Retreat
St. Denis Parish Pre-Cana January Group
St. Thomas of Villanova Parish Staff Retreat
Immaculata University Student Retreat Day - February 11th Lenten Series: "Come Apart and Rest Awhile": The Lenten Landscape of Prayer Sr. Clare D'Auria, OSF
March Movie with Meaning: "St. Patrick, the Irish Legend"
St. Frances Cabrini Faculty Retreat Day
Annual Irish Tea Benefitting the Afghan Resettlement Project
Lenten Series, Part 3: "Come Apart and Rest Awhile": The Lenten Landscape of Prayer Sr. Clare D'Auria, OSF
SS. Peter and Paul School Faculty Retreat Day
Labyrinth Walk - Anne Montgomery Schmid Prayer Experience - Set Up and Program March 30, 2023 St. Anastasia School Faculty Retreat Day
April Movie with Meaning: "Risen"
Conference Day: "Who Me? Called to Holiness" - Sr. Rose Adams, IHM
"Connecting with Passionate Women: The Doctors of the Church" - St. Hildegard of Bingen - Sr. Rose Marie Adams
The National Catholic Bioethics Center