2021 - 2022
"Welcome Back" Luncheon for our Volunteers
Dr. Louis De Angelo - Spirituality Series: St. Joseph
Nativity BVM Parish, Media - Parish Staff Retreat
September Movie Day: "Heaven Is For Real"
St. Monica, Berwyn - Parish Staff Retreat Day
Sr. Julia Keegan, OSF - Spirituality Series: Franciscan Spirituality
October St. Thomas of Villanova PreCana Day
Conference Day: "Come to the Garden" - Sr. Catherine Kaporch, IHM
Immaculata University: Sophomore Awakening Retreat
Saints Peter and Paul Parish Staff Retreat: Ignite Your Heart Meghan Coakley as Presenter
Devon Prep Faculty Retreat - Presenter: Sr. Marie Gipprich
November Movie Day: "A Beautiful Mind"
October Movie Day: "A Time for Miracles"
Retreat Day for St. Katherine of Siena Evangelization Team
November Feasts: A Morning of Reflection - Presenter: Sr. Beth Woodward, IHM
Fall Day of Recollection: Class of 2020 and 2021 - Priests of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia
Cardinal Foley Faculty/Staff Retreat with Dr. Robert Wicks
St. Thomas of Villanova Men's Group: Advent Reflection Day
An Advent Day: "Season of Anticipating or Longing?" Presenter: Sr. Marie Gipprich, IHM
Our Mother of Good Counsel Advent Evening of Prayer: Parish Staff, Parish Council and Parish Ministries
December Movie Day: "Gift of the Magi"
Christmas Decorating at the Mansion...THANKS to our Volunteers!
Carol Night - December 15, 2021
Carmelite Spirituality Day - Presenter: Michaele Wicks
Conference Day: "Hildegard of Bingen - Practical Mystic" Presenter: Michelle Francl-Donnay
Conference Day: "Get Used to Different - Another Look at the Parables" Presenter: Sister Marie Gipprich, IHM
February Movie with Meaning: The King's Speech
Celtic Spirituality Day - Presenter: Sister Megan Brown, RSM
2022 Irish Tea - Two Days of Preparation with our Volunteers!
March Movie Day: "Wonder"
Knights of Malta Retreat Day - Presenter: Deacon Harold Jopp
Sacred Heart Faculty Retreat - Sr. Patricia McCormack, IHM
Ignatian Spirituality Day-Presenter: Sr. Patricia Mensing, SSJ
PEAK Encounter: Leadership Retreat Day
Villanova Pre Cana Day: February 13, 2022
St. Thomas of Villanova Staff Retreat - Presenter: Sr. Catherine Kaporch, IHM
Conference Day: "God's Power in Forgiveness" - Presenter: Sister Beth Woodward, IHM
2022 Irish Tea Benefitting Covenant House Pennsylvania
BVM Darby Faculty Retreat - Presenter: S. Marie Gipprich
St. Gabriel Parish Lenten Retreat - Presenter: Sr. Marie Gipprich, IHM
Conference Day - Laudato Si: Care for Our Common Home Presenter: Sr. Julia Keegan, OSF
Thank You Luncheon for our Volunteers